Formula one – Spa Francorchamps Grand Prix 2016
On Sunday the 28th, the 2016 Belgian Grand Prix was held. I was lucky enough to get tickets through work, so I went with some awesome colleagues, my brother and his daughter. What a day!
Borderwar 8: The warchief (airsoft event)
So last weekend I went to one of the biggest airsoft events in the world. Borderwar, the 8th edition. It has almost 4000 players all in military outfits, so why not hop on and play as a warphotographer?
The trip to the Czech location was long. We left on Wednesday and arrived on Thursday morning. But then again, it’s 900 long km’s. The weather was great the first 3 days, and that’s also when I took most in-game shots. Here are a couple of them, you can find the whole gallery on Facebook.
See the full gallery at Facebook
Nitro Circus Live 2016 Arnhem
So Nitro Circus was in town, and it was awesome!
Got some press-tickets from a friend of mine, so I went there with my brother. We watched the show from up close, on the ground next to the ramp. We had the best spots in the whole stadium. By far.
Anyway check out there pictures on my Facebook page.
Bikeride into Germany with Victor
Victor has been a buddy of mine for a long time now. We’ve studied, worked traveled and even lived together for a while in the UK. So it wasn’t surprising that he started working as a colleague 9 months ago.
But all good things must also end, so he had his last day of work last tuesday. Since I had a day off the next day, we decided to do a one day bicycle trip into Germany. We ended doing about 170km, and it was awesome. Here are some of the pics.
This was already in Germany, about 10km after Emmerich. We had a small stop since I wanted to check the map. A little bit further and…. we’d be at this beautiful castle.
For me, this is a typical German town. Some larger houses, a wheat field and the townsname on a yellow sign. As German as it could be.
Close to Rees is an abandoned building. I’m not sure what it was, but there were coal-carts, rails, ovens and boilerrooms. I’ve been here a couple of years ago, but things have changed. People actually turned it into a “Chill-Lounge” as they called it themselves. Looks kinda relaxed! Click on the image of a larger version of the panorama.
These are actually 3 photo’s merged together since I didn’t bring any fisheye lens.
A photo for our dear friends Sjoerd Bisselink and Clair Bissell.
This was in Wesel, and was a bit typical for our trip. Often you find yourself cycling in a dull place, and all of a sudden something huge/old like this appears. We’ve seen castles like Hogwarts, or this in the middle of a boring neighbourhood. Cool stuff.
This is actually only 10% of the whole image. And, it was taken while cycling on my bicycle. Didn’t stand still.
Here, we’re back in the Netherlands. The sun was setting, it was finally getting a bit cooler, and we had a final 20km to go through forrest and open fields. But we managed to get to Boxmeer and take the train home.
It was an awesome journey, lot’s of fun and with some lessons learned.
- Don’t underestimate the sun, use sunlotion. I’ve been called “tomato” and “lobster boy” all day the next day at the office…
- Do a LOT of regular long trips to get used to your bicycle saddle. Even while using a bicycle-short with a pad, my ass hurt like hell.
- Have some extra space for bottles/food. I had a small bag on my steer, but it wasn’t big enough.
- Bring a small toolkit.
That was it, hope you enjoyed the pics. Can’t wait for my next adventure!
Picking up the old habbit.
Going to focus a bit more on skateboarding photography. So if anyone in Arnhem is interested or knows people, let me know!
Would you look at that, another trip! Yes ladies and gentleman, Steven is going on another bicycle trip!
This year the trip will be from Emmerich to Monaco. An exciting trip over mountains and the plains of France. We’ll see the provence while getting exhausted.
Want to know more? Visit the special website and tell us what you want us to do! Yes you’ve read it correct, YOU can come up with daily challenges and more!
Go to http://www.emmerichtomonaco.nl and share your challenge for us!
A new lifestyle.
A new house, a completely new location, far away from friends and family. Yes it’s something totally different.
Everything is new. From transport, food, the house to clothes and times I go to bed. To make the contrast even bigger, things got really cold after 2-3 weeks of living here. So cold that we actually got snow, nice! Except if you have to use your bicycle on a daily basis.
Either way, here some pics from my new “situation”.
This is my current bed. I actually finished putting it together yesterday!
Me after I just came home.
In the cold fields out there, clothes like these aren’t a luxery. I often cycle around 10-11pm through snowy blizzards. So a regular t-shirt and a cap won’t do.
Another one!
This is a famous building next to trainstation Wehl. It has been abandonned for a while now. Can you tell?
And here two other pics I took last friday when I went to Amsterdam. Taken at Utrecht CS after my train had a 30 minute delay.
That’s all for now, hope you enjoy them!
From Emmerich, with love.
Oaky it’s been a while but life has been crazy! I moved to Emmerich, I STILL don’t have internet there and I’ve been busy at work as well. Working 40 hours a week is quite a lot, especially if you do a lot of crunchtiming.
Photography still has it’s place in my daily routines and I occaisionly still take pictures. Especially in the weekends of course. So here are some very recent pictures all taken around my new house. Enjoy!
Still alive, no worries.
I think for my visitors, the post about me having a job was bad news. Well you can clearly see that I have been a tad less productive photography wise. Well at least I could pay for new gear. Also on my bicycle trip to Poland (yeah I did that stuff) I didn’t bring my EOS. Kinda regret it but okay.
So did I do nothing? Oh I did something. Here some shots from the last few days for you to enjoy!
Random pics.,
Just some pics from my life.
Very random stuff actually.
Bought some thick paper to create a new product studio. So far so good. I also got a HUGE black sheet so that will be fun to play with. In the meanwhile: test shots and some skateboarding action from Arnhem where I had a job interview..
And now the promised skateboarding stuff…
Just some random shots.
Was a typical sunday… so I went to some construction area where I had a go with my camera, and my radio controlled car. You’ve gotta do something in your spare time, isn’t it?
That’s it for now, hope you like them!
Summer update!
Hey there!
Small update, it’s getting hotter so let’s first announce…. summertime!
Soo much is on the planning. One of them is a trip to SWEDEN per BIKE! Yes people I will go on my recumbent bike:
This one is actually scaled, for the larger version click HERE.
Fair enough, I had to buy bags for it so for the rear-bag I went to Tilburg with my good friend Chantal. Here some travel pictures:
I went from Almere to Hoofddorp where me and Chantal would meet up. But thanks to my lovely Dingoo A320 I didn’t hear the train stopping, or noticed anything of Hoofddorp so instead I had to go out of the train at Nieuw-Vennep and go back to Hoofddorp. Thing is, I was raised in Nieuw-Vennep so I took this picture where I noticed I was in complete shadow while the rest looked really sunny. Nice.
Then, I met up with Chantal and we went to Den Bosch station. There we waited for the next train and I took these two pictures:
And outside the station was this waterfall:
After that we went to Tilburg, had dinner at a Chinese restaurant and bought the bags from some die-hard recumbent-bike fans. They where really nice so we sticked there till quite late.
During our walk back to the station we met some skaterguys who liked to perform in front (and above) my camera:
Of course taken with the 15mm Sigma Fisheye lens on my Canon 5DMKII haha. Don’t I love google tags?
After that we had to wait at Tilburg train station for about 40 minutes but it gave me plenty of time to tease Chantal and make this people (I’m such a multitasker):
And that’s it for now. The day after I bought the side-bags for my bike, will take some pictures soon. Take care people!
Just another random post… the last 2 weeks I made some pics that didn’t belong to a serie or what-so-ever so this is the random post with these pictures…
OR the guy was kicked from his apartment, or he is wasted or tired. Fact remains with a bag of stuff he was just sitting there for more than 5 minutes. Then I took the picture and walked off… he didn’t seem to want any help either. Poor buggar.
Lakeside Almere Buiten where I was chilling with me mate Feraaz, was really nice and peaceful.
Here I tried to make my bike to look really small. The trick is to zoom in zo there’s a LOT of DOF (Dept Of Field), when zoomed in you take 12 pictures (three rows of four) and you merge them together into one image. This is the result. Original picture was (with smallest source files) about 80 megapixel… Yikes.
Here I tried the same with Victor. These where eight pictures merged toghether. Don’t think it worked that well but it’s still a nice picture haha.
That’s it for now, if you live in the Netherlands or any other location with nice weather like we do at the moment: Enjoy!
Skate evening.
Tonight, Quinten called me if I came over to Almere-Stad to do some skating photography. Loyal followers of my weblog will know him from some old skating-action already. Also Jens was there and we had a great time doing some fisheye luvin’.
I really like it that you see his whole deck here. The camera was actually UNDER the deck… I risked my camera here haha! Poor EOS 5D Mark II haha!
Just like the rest also shot with the 15mm Sigma Fisheye lens… it just does justice to skateboarding-photography!
And yes friends, Jens landed this trick. Amazing, not?
Quinten looks kinda funny in air. Trust me, on the ground as well haha!
Both of you guys thanks for the great evening and thanks for doing all the tricks!